Research & Data
Support for New York State Highway Safety Program
New York State Highway Safety Plan
In accordance with National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) regulations, the New York State Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee (GTSC) prepares an annual Highway Safety Plan (HSP). As a result of the 2022 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the report was changed from an annual plan to a triennial plan effective for Federal Fiscal Year 2024. GTSC uses a data-driven approach in identifying problems and setting priorities for the state’s highway safety program. New York’s performance-based planning process is inclusive and takes into account issues and strategies identified by the GTSC member agencies, other state and local agencies, and not-for-profit organizations that have submitted applications for funding. The University at Albany’s Institute for Traffic Safety Management & Research (ITSMR) provides analytical and technical support for the planning process and works closely with GTSC on the preparation of the HSP.

New York State Highway Safety Annual Report
The Highway Safety Annual Report describes the accomplishments of New York State’s highway safety program for the Federal Fiscal Year (October 1 – September 30) and the progress made toward the performance targets established within the Highway Safety Plan (HSP). The preparation of the HSP is guided by federal uniform procedures.

Driver Surveys
New York State Seat Belt Survey
Since 1984, New York State has conducted periodic statewide observational surveys of seat belt use. With few exceptions, the statewide use rate rose steadily each year from a pre-law use rate of 16% in 1984 to a peak of 94% in 2019. No survey was conducted in 2020 due to COVID-19. Based on this year’s survey conducted between June 2 and August 21, 2024, New York’s seat belt usage rate is 92%, a small decrease from 94% in 2023.
2024 NY Observational Survey of Seat Belt Use
(Published September 2024)

New York State Driver Opinion Survey
In compliance with the NHTSA requirement that states collect information on driver behaviors, attitudes and awareness of traffic safety issues on an annual basis, ITSMR has conducted surveys of NY State licensed drivers since 2010. Survey results are included in the Annual Report submitted to NHTSA by the end of the calendar year.